Aims of Transition Year in Ashbourne Community School
Within Transition Year the key objective is to enable students to strive to be the very best they can be and to dare to dream.
The Key Aims are
To develop key life skills, such as Team work, Communication, Planning, Leadership, and Time Management.
To help students discover personal strengths
To develop maturity and self confidence
To enable students to extend boundaries and embrace change
To develop independent learning
To prepare for the world of work
To explore and develop links and contributions to each other, to the school and to the wider community.
Mission Statement
In our overall school mission statement, we stress “we would like our school to be a place where we foster such values as hope, justice, compassion, forgiveness and care”, and that “we shall endeavour each student to achieve his/her potential”.
These in truth are the founding principles and foundations for the Transition Year Programme in A.C.S. Through the involvement with the entire school community and related stakeholders, we try to enable and encourage students to explore and develop their potential, to embrace other challenges and opportunities that life provides, both within A.C.S. and in the lives that lie ahead of them all. We strive to enable them to recognise their talents and abilities, to always strive to do their very best, and avail fully of all of the opportunities and challenges that life will offer.
The motto for T.Y can best be summarised as: “Be the very best you can be, and dare to dream”.

Easter Mural March 2018
The phenomenal painting produced by 4 TY students in ACS for Easter 2018. 'Looking into the eyes of Jesus' - the mirrors in place of pupils allow us to see how Jesus sees us. Thanks to the Art teachers and Mr McCauley for all their input into this project, and to Fr Derek. Well done to Sarah Byrne, Marie Heffernan, Grace McCarthy and Anastassia Varabiova.