Transition Year is an integral and long established part of school and community life here in A.C.S. The programme was introduced into the school in 1996/97 when 32 students participated in T.Y. in what was then just the 3rd year of the school.
Since then T.Y., within A.C.S. has changed, grown and evolved in adapting to the different demands and opportunities, within and outside the school. While T.Y. has been a much larger programme, (96 students in 2019/20, 137 students in 2018/19 and 143 students in 2017/18), the original reasons for introducing T.Y. to A.C.S are still essentially the same.
These are elaborated on a little later in the overall aims of the programme, but can be summed up in the wish to provide students with the opportunities to grow and develop as both students and people, and enable them to strive to achieve their potential and contribute to the world around them both within A.C.S. and beyond.